Book Fair – Penguin Scout Hall, Johnsons Beach Road, Penguin. A major fundraiser for the Penguin Scout Group. Includes a car wash and barbecue.
Penguin Scouts are hosting a Book Fair for the 3rd big year. We will have book sales from 9am to 4pm on both Saturday and Sunday 4th & 5th of March. All books will be sorted by author and category to make finding what your after easy.
Payment will be by measuring the height of your stack of books and charging $1 per centimetre, same as we have done in previous years.
There will be a BBQ on both days and a car wash as well.
Please come along and support Penguin Scouts as this is our major fund raiser for the year. It means we can keep our equipment in top condition and provide a great programme for the kids of the Penguin Scout Group.