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People 65+ Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshop

People 65+ Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshop – Pier01, 3 Wharf Road, Ulverstone.  Inviting people 65+, service providers, volunteer organisations, allied health professionals, carers, family members and community representatives to a workshop to discuss and explore mental health and wellbeing initiatives for people 65+.  Loneliness, social isolation, relocation/moving, financial uncertainty, physical difficulties, cognitive deterioration, and multiple bereavements of close friends and loved ones are some factors that can put people 65+ at risk of mental ill-health and thoughts of wanting to die.  People 85+ are at the highest risk of mental ill-health.  Let’s talk.  Let’s collaborate.  Let’s find ways to help people stay connected to what they enjoy.  To register for the workshop visit

Later Event: March 15
Live @ the Wharf