The Central Coast Film Society was re-established in 2016 to bring affordable, enjoyable entertainment to the Central Coast community. Films are shown once a month on the 2nd Wednesday of the month
Society Aims:
• Provide entertainment in our local community
• Choose films that the majority of members will enjoy
• Create opportunity for friendly social interaction & discussion of films
• Provide opportunity for involvement to all members
6.30pm for a 7pm start, membership available on any film night.
Membership fees: 3 films $20 - 6 films $30 - 12 films $50
The Society is a “not for profit” organization and as such we aim to keep the cost of membership as low as possible.
email: or phone (03) 6425 4572
Minari - Duration: 1hr 55 min
Jacob Yi moves to Arkansas with his wife and children to grow Korean produce and sell it to vendors. However, he faces several challenges in his quest which also threaten to destroy his family.